what is your fav colour

Friday, 3 August 2007

The Golden Ring.

One evening in spring, I found a golden ring
I tried to pick it up, but it was stuck
In the muck

So I called my mum, she came on the run,
We pulled and we pulled
But it just didn’t budge,
Just like it was stuck in hard chocolate fudge

So I called my dad
He went mad

We pulled and we pulled
But it just didn’t budge
Just like it was stuck in hard chocolate fudge

So we called my sisters
Those nasty blisters

We pulled and we pulled
But it just didn’t budge
Just like it was stuck in hard chocolate fudge

Then out of the house, stumbled a mouse
We called the mouse from out of the house
And we pulled and we pulled
And out of the ground with a whizz and a bang
Out the ring sprang

Up in the air
And landed on a chair,
Next to the mouse that had stumbled out of the house
And that sunny evening in spring
I gave the mouse the golden ring

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